الطوب الحراري
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fire clay brick price list

طوب طين النار الطيني

Mainly divided into clay refractory bricks for blast furnaces, clay refractory bricks for hot blast furnaces, and large clay refractory bricks for coke ovens and glass kilns.

  • Al2O3≥/%: 25-42
  • Fe2O3)≤/%: 2.0
  • 0.2MPa Refractoriness Underload T0.6/℃(≥): 1250-1440
  • Cold Crushing Strength (MPa): 15-45
  • الشهادات: ISO9001/ISO14001/ISO45001/ISO50001
  • العينة: اختبار العينة متاح

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الاستفسار الآن

Description of Fire Clay Brick

Fire clay brick is a common refractory material used in construction and industrial applications in high temperature environments. Fire Clay bricks are made of kaolin (fire clay) and other refractory materials, which are formed, dried and sintered at high temperature. The main component of fire clay bricks is kaolin, which is a clay ore containing aluminum and silicon. Kaolin has excellent fire resistance and chemical stability, and can resist chemical attack at high temperature. In addition, other refractory materials such as quartz, gypsum, silica sand, etc. may be added to the fire brick to enhance its performance.

fire clay brick customized

Kerui Fire Clay Brick Technical Data Sheet

الصنف/الرتبة PN-42 PN-40 PN-35 PN-30 PN-25
ω (Al2O3)/% μ0 42 40 35 30 25
σ 2.5
ω (Fe2O3)/% μ0 2.0 / / / /
σ 0.4
Apparent Porosity/% μ0 20 (22) 24 (26) 26 (28) 23 (25) 21 (23)
σ 2.0
قوة السحق على البارد/ميجا باسكال μ0 45 (35) 35 (30) 30 (25) 30 (25) 30 (25)
Xmin 35 (25) 25 (20) 20 (15) 20 (15) 20 (15)
σ 10
0.2MPa Refractoriness Underload T0.6/℃ μ0 1400 1350 1320 1300 1250
σ 13
تغيير خطي دائم/%/% U-L 1400℃*2h

Advantages of Fire Clay Brick

Excellent Refractory Performance

The refractoriness of fire clay bricks is comparable to that of silica bricks, as high as 1690~1730°C. Fire clay bricks have excellent refractory properties and can withstand thermal stress and thermal shock in high temperature environments. Welcome to inquiry in Kerui.

Thermal Insulation Performance

Fire clay bricks have good thermal insulation performance and can effectively prevent heat conduction. This helps maintain a comfortable temperature inside the building and reduces reliance on heating and cooling systems, thereby saving energy and reducing energy costs.

Excellent Thermal Stability

Fire clay refractory bricks have good thermal stability so that they can maintain the stability of the structure under the condition of rapid cooling or heating at high temperature, and reduce the influence of thermal stress on the material. Kerui Refactory provides high quality refractory bricks.

Excellent Chemical Corrosion Resistance

Fire clay brick can withstand the erosion of corrosive substances such as acid and alkali, and are not easy to be eroded, dissolved or corroded, and are suitable for environments and processes that require chemical corrosion resistance. Welcome to visit Kerui Refractory factory.

fire clay brick manufacturer
fire clay brick factory
fire clay brick supplier

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Manufacturing Process of Fire Clay Brick

Raw Material Preparation

Fire clay brick raw material preparation is mainly the preparation of clinker and the preparation of combined clay. The preparation of clinker is to transfer the refractory clay raw material through high temperature to make clinker, and then Crush, sieve and pulverize into various grades of granules and fine powders. The equipment for making combined clay is to crush the clay, dry it, and then finely grind it into powder and mix it. This completes the preparation of the ingredients.

Grinding and Blending

The clay clinker is coarsely crushed into lumps less than 50mm in size, and then crushed into aggregates of 5~2mm in various levels, and the sieved material enters the mill to be ground into fine powder less than 0.5mm in size. The bonded clay is generally dried, then coarsely crushed, crushed, and finely ground to a fine powder less than 0.5 mm, or mixed with clinker to make a fine powder.The mixture is kneaded into a trapped material and then kneaded to shape.


The mixed clay material is sent into the molding machine, and the common molding methods include extrusion molding and vacuum suction molding. Under the action of the molding machine, the clay material is extruded or absorbed into the mold to form the shape of the adobe. The shaped adobe has a certain humidity and needs to be processed and adjusted to ensure its quality and stability. This completes the preliminary shaping work of fire clay bricks.


The formed fire clay bricks need to be dried to remove moisture. Usually natural drying or heating drying is adopted. Natural drying needs to place the adobe in a well-ventilated place and let it dry naturally for a period of time. Heat drying is to put the adobe into an oven or a drying room and provide a heat source for heating to speed up the evaporation and drying process of water. This completes the drying process of the refractory clay bricks.


The dried bricks are put into the kiln for sintering, so that they have certain dimensions, porosity and compactness, high mechanical strength, good volume stability, and good fire resistance. The sintering process properly controls the rate of temperature rise and fall to maintain the oxidizing atmosphere to avoid cracking and scrap generation. The Kerui factory has two 168-meter-long tunnel kilns, which can ensure the quality of refractory clay and improve production efficiency.


The cooled refractory clay bricks will first be classified according to customer requirements, and then undergo quality inspection by Kerui’s professional quality inspection department. After passing the inspection, they will be customized and packaged according to customer needs, and finally meet factory standards. During this process, customers can follow up in real time, and we will also send specific progress information of the production process to customers in real time.

Production Technology Solutions of Shaped Products

Applications of Fire Clay Brick

Metallurgical Industry

Fire clat brick can be widely used in iron ladles (such as clay bricks, universal arc bricks), taphole heat (such as sleeve bricks), hot blast furnace regenerators (such as clay checker bricks), and kiln flues (sometimes customers also call them Acid-resistant bricks), etc.

Building Materials Industry

Clay bricks are widely used in kilns in the building materials industry, such as kaolin tunnel kilns, ceramsite rotary kilns and other dense kilns that do not require high firing temperatures, especially lime shafts, which are generally used in non-critical parts.

صناعة الزجاج

In the glass industry, for the lower grate and lower checker bricks of the glass melting furnace regenerator, if the temperature requirements are not too high, fire clay bricks can be used, which are generally professionally called BN-40a and BN-40b.

Coking Industry

In coke ovens, generally, fire clay bricks are often used in parts of coke ovens where the temperature is low and fluctuates greatly, such as furnace doors, riser lining bricks, small flue lining bricks, furnace tops, regenerator sealing walls, and checker bricks.

Carbon and Graphite Industry

Carbon roasting furnaces and graphitization furnaces do not have very high temperature requirements, but require low creep and density. Most of the entire set of materials are clay bricks, but most of them are low-creep clay bricks or dense clay bricks, such as ZN -45 etc.

Copper and Iron Industry

Clay bricks for blast furnaces are made of refractory clay and are used to build blast furnace linings. Mainly used in the throat, furnace body, hearth, furnace bottom of small blast furnaces and large blast furnace bodies. In Chinese metallurgical standards, it is divided into ZGN-42 and GN-42.



حصلت مجموعة كيروي على عدد من الشهادات الدولية، مثل, ISO9001/ISO14001/OHSAS18001/CE/SGS. إلى جانب ذلك، تتمتع منتجات Kerui أيضًا بالعديد من الشهادات المحلية، والجودة مضمونة للغاية، وقد تم الاعتراف بها بالإجماع من قبل العملاء في الداخل والخارج.

Kerui CE Certificate
شهادة CE من كيروي
Kerui EMS Certificate
شهادة Kerui EMS
Kerui OHSM Certificate
شهادة كيروي لإدارة الصحة والسلامة المهنية
Kerui QMS Certificate
شهادة نظام إدارة الجودة من كيروي

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مختبر كيروي للصهر الحراري

لدى Kerui مختبر فحص الجودة الاحترافي. فرن اختبار إعادة التسخين بدرجة حرارة عالية/فرن اختبار التليين الزاحف؛ ومقعد اختبار قوة الانضغاط/المرونة للمواد المقاومة للحرارة؛ ومنصة اختبار وفحص التركيب للمواد المقاومة للحرارة؛ ومختبر للخصائص الفيزيائية/الكيميائية للمواد المقاومة للحرارة.


منتجات الحراريات الحرارية من كيروي للتغليف والشحن

يتم تتبع عملية التسليم بأكملها، ويقوم فريق خبراء Kerui بحل احتياجات المشروع المحددة بأقصى قدر من الاحترافية. وإذا كان مشروع العميل يتطلب ذلك، يذهب فريق خبراء Kerui إلى بلد العميل لتقديم الدعم الفني وجهاً لوجه.


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حالة عميل كيروي الحراري

إلى جانب البر الرئيسي للصين، قامت شركة Kerui Refractory بتصدير منتجاتها إلى أكثر من 50 دولة ومنطقة عبر 5 قارات في جميع أنحاء العالم، بما في ذلك آسيا وأوروبا وأمريكا وأفريقيا وأوقيانوسيا. وقد تلقينا تقديرًا وثناءً كبيرًا من العملاء في جميع أنحاء العالم، ونتلقى باستمرار طلبات إعادة العملاء وإحالاتهم.

Kerui Customers

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