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بطانية من ألياف السيراميك

  • Al2O3≥/%: 35-52
  • Bulk Density (g/cm³): 64-128
  • Classification Temperature (℃): 1260-1430
  • Shot Content ≤/%: 12-15
  • Tensile Strength/kPa: 30-70
  • العينة: اختبار العينة متاح

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Description of Ceramic Fiber Blanket

The ceramic fiber blanket is white in color, regular in size, integrated with heat insulation, and heat preservation functions, and does not contain any additives. Ceramic fiber blankets are made from spun ceramic fibers that have been needle punched to provide excellent handling strength for high-temperature insulation applications. It can maintain good tensile strength, and toughness when used in neutral and oxidizing atmospheres. Ceramic fiber blankets have excellent chemical properties and can be widely used in the fields of insulation, and heat insulation. It also includes several different types, such as ordinary ceramic fiber blankets, standard ceramic fiber blankets, high-purity ceramic fiber blankets, high-alumina ceramic fiber blankets, and zirconium-containing ceramic fiber blankets.

ceramic fiber blanket price
ceramic fiber blanket supplier
KERUI ceramic fiber blanket

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Kerui Ceramic Fiber Blanket Technical Data Sheet

الصنف/الرتبة STD Blanket HP Blanket HA Blanket HZ Blanket
Classification Temperature/℃ 1260 1260 1350 1430
Chemical Composition ω (Al2O3) ≥/% 43 44 52 35
ω (SiO2) ≥/% 54 55 47 49
ω (ZrO2) ≥/% / / / 15
Color White White White White
Shot Content ≤/% 15 15 15 12
Bulk Density (kg/m³) 64 96 128 96 128 96 128 96 128
Tensile Strength/kPa 30 50 70 50 70 50 70 50 70
Permanent Linear Change ≤/% 1000℃*24h 2.5 1100℃*24h 2.5 1200℃*24h 3.0 1350℃*24h 3.0
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient /[W/(m·K)] 200℃ 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
400℃ 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.11 0.1 0.11 0.1 0.11 0.1
600℃ 0.2 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.15
800℃ 0.3 0.23 0.2 0.23 0.2 0.22 0.2 0.21 0.19
1000℃ 0.4 0.32 0.27 0.31 0.26 0.3 0.26 0.3 0.26

احصل على السعرإرسال بريد إلكتروني

Advantages of Ceramic Fiber Blanket

High-Temperature Stability

The ceramic fiber blanket has excellent high-temperature stability and can survive at a high temperature of 1600℃. It will not burn and melt, and will not produce harmful odors to the human body.

Excellent Thermal Insulation Properties

Ceramic fiber blankets can effectively insulate heat conduction, improving the thermal insulation effect and reducing energy consumption.

Excellent Sound Absorption

Ceramic fiber blankets can absorb sound waves, reduce noise transmission, improve comfort, reduce ambient noise in the working environment, increase comfort at work, and facilitate workers’ operations.

Free of Binders and Corrosive Substances

Ceramic fiber blankets usually achieve stability through mechanical interweaving between fibers and do not contain binders, which avoids the problem of binders releasing harmful substances.

شهادات كيروي للصهر الحراري

حصلت مجموعة كيروي على عدد من الشهادات الدولية، مثل، ISO9001/ISO14001/ISO14001/OHSAS18001/CE/SGS. إلى جانب ذلك، تمتلك Kerui Refractory أيضًا عددًا من الشهادات المحلية.

Kerui CE Certificate
شهادة CE من كيروي
Kerui EMS Certificate
شهادة Kerui EMS
Kerui OHSM Certificate
شهادة كيروي لإدارة الصحة والسلامة المهنية
Kerui QMS Certificate
شهادة نظام إدارة الجودة من كيروي

احصل على السعرإرسال بريد إلكتروني

منتجات الحراريات الحرارية من كيروي للتغليف والشحن

إلى جانب البر الرئيسي للصين، قامت شركة Kerui Refractory بتصدير منتجاتها إلى أكثر من 50 دولة ومنطقة عبر 5 قارات في جميع أنحاء العالم، بما في ذلك آسيا وأوروبا وأمريكا وأفريقيا وأوقيانوسيا. وقد تلقينا تقديرًا وثناءً كبيرًا من العملاء في جميع أنحاء العالم، ونتلقى باستمرار طلبات إعادة العملاء وإحالاتهم.

ceramic fiber blanket delivery

Classification of The Ceramic Fiber Blanket

Ordinary Ceramic Fiber Blanket
  • Density: generally 96-160 kg/m³
  • Operating Temperature Range: 1260℃

Ordinary ceramic fiber blankets have low thermal conductivity and good softness; the main components are alumina, silica, and special fibers.

Standard Ceramic Fiber Blanket
  • Density: generally 100-160 kg/m³
  • Operating Temperature Range: 600°C-1000°C

Standard ceramic fiber blankets have high-performance thermal insulation performance and durability.

High-Purity Ceramic Fiber Blanket
  • Density: generally 128-160 kg/m³
  • Operating Temperature Range: above 1000°C

High-purity ceramic fiber blanket is made of high-purity ceramic fiber, which has excellent heat resistance and corrosion resistance.

High Alumina Ceramic Fiber Blanket
  • Density: generally 128-160 kg/m³
  • Operating Temperature Range: above 1260°C

The high-alumina ceramic fiber blanket is mainly composed of high-alumina oxide, and the content of aluminum-containing oxide is between 45% and 99%.

Zirconium-Containing Ceramic Fiber Blanket
  • Density: generally 160 kg/m³-180 kg/m³
  • Operating Temperature Range: 1350-1600 °C

The main component is (ZrO2), usually, the content of zirconium oxide is between 8% and 15%.

احصل على السعرإرسال بريد إلكتروني

مختبر كيروي للصهر الحراري

لدى Kerui مختبر فحص الجودة الاحترافي. فرن اختبار إعادة التسخين بدرجة حرارة عالية/فرن اختبار التليين الزاحف؛ ومقعد اختبار قوة الانضغاط/المرونة للمواد المقاومة للحرارة؛ ومنصة اختبار وفحص التركيب للمواد المقاومة للحرارة؛ ومختبر للخصائص الفيزيائية/الكيميائية للمواد المقاومة للحرارة.


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Kerui Calcium Silicate Board Factory
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Kerui Automatic Production Line

Application of Ceramic Fiber Blanket

High-Temperature Kiln

Ceramic fiber blankets are mainly used as heat insulation liners in high-temperature kilns and can be placed on the furnace wall, furnace roof, or furnace bottom to play a thermal insulation effect. It can also be used to seal the kiln, fill the gaps and irregular spaces of the kiln, and compensate for the thermal expansion and contraction of the furnace body. Thereby extending the service life of high-temperature kiln.

High-Temperature Pipe Insulation

Pipe Wrapping, ceramic fiber blankets can be directly used to directly wrap high-temperature pipes, thus forming a layer of heat insulation protection. Pipe Filling, it can be used as pipe-filling material to fill the gaps around the pipe to reduce heat loss. Pipe Sandwich, ceramic fiber blankets can be used to build pipe sandwich structures by placing them in the gap between the inside and outside of the pipe.

ceramic fiber blanket factory
ceramic fiber blanket in kiln

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      منطقة تشاوهوا للصناعات الحرارية,
      مدينة شينمي، مقاطعة خنان، الصين

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