Produtos Refractários Monolíticos
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Cimento refratário

  • Al2O3% (≥): 50-81
  • Fineness(d50/μm): 5-13
  • Flexural Strength(72h)/Mpa: 6-12.5
  • Compressive Strength (72hrs)/MPa: 40-82
  • Certification: CE/ISO9001/ISO14001/ISO45001/ISO50001
  • Amostra: é possível testar a amostra

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Product Description

Refractory cement is also known as high-temperature cement. It is made of high-quality bauxite and high-quality lime, both of which are combined with appropriate amount of ingredients in a certain proportion. The refractory degree of refractory cement is not less than 1580℃ (2876℉). It can be divided into aluminate refractory cement, low-calcium aluminate refractory cement, calcium-magnesium aluminate cement, and dolomite refractory cement according to different compositions.

CA50 cement

Refractroy Cement CA50

Aluminate cement CA50 series products are based on natural high-quality bauxite and limestone as raw materials, calcined at high temperature to form a clinker with one calcium aluminate (CA) and one calcium dialuminate (CA2) as the main mineral phase, and then ground to the best particle size distribution of water-hard cementitious material. Click here to get price!


CA70 cement

Refractroy Cement CA70

CA70 cement produced by industrial alumina and high purity burnt lime from advanced rotary kiln sintering process and high fine grinding system with reasonable design of cement phase and accurate control of sintering process and particle size distribution, calcium aluminate cement has good workability, excellent performance at high temperature and maximum consistency.


CA80 cement

Refractroy Cement CA80

CA80 alumina content suitable for the preparation of various traditional and low cement deposits, the prepared casting material has a high softening temperature, excellent slag resistance and mechanical impact resistance, and the use tempera-ture can reach 1800 ℃ . The product has extremely low content of impurities such as iron and silicon and good erosion resistance.


Techonical Data

Item/Grau CA50 CA70 CA80
A600 A700 A900 CA70 CA70W CA70S CA71 CA80 CA80S
Chemical Composition ω (SiO2) ≤/% 7.8 7.5 5.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
ω (Al2O3)/% 50.0 51.0 53.5 68.5-70.5 68.5-70.5 68.5-70.5 69.5-71.5 78.0-81.0 78.0-81.0
ω (Fe2O3) ≤/% 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
ω (CaO)/% / / / 28.5-30.5 28.5-30.5 28.5-30.5 27.5-29.5 17.5-20.5 17.5-20.5
ω (MgO) ≤/% / / / 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
ω (R2O) ≤/% 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
ω (S) ≤/% 0.1 0.1 0.1 / / / / / /
ω (Cl) ≤/% 0.1 0.1 0.1 / / / / / /
Fineness d50/μm / / / 11-4 8-11 6-9 10-13 5-8 5-8
-45μm ≤/% / / / 8.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 5.0 5.0
Setting Time Initial Setting Time (min) ≥45 ≥60 ≥90 120-180 30-90 180-240 150-210 30-90 90-150
Final Setting Time (min) ≤360 ≤360 ≤360 150-240 90-180 240-330 210-300 90-180 270-360
Strength (ISO) Flexural Strength/Mpa 24h 6.0 6.5 8.0 7.5-10.0 8.0-10.5 8.0-10.5 8.5-11.0 5.0-7.5 5.0-7.5
72h 7.0 7.5 10.0 10.0-12.0 10.5-12.5 10.5-12.5 11.0-12.5 6.0-8.5 6.0-8.5
Compressive Strength/Mpa 24h 45 55 72 40-50 45-55 45-55 50-60 30-40 30-40
72h 55 65 82 45-55 50-60 50-60 55-65 40-50 40-50
325M ≤/% 15 12 8 / / / / / /
Specific Surface Areas ≥/ (/kg) 300 320 350 / / / / / /

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O Grupo Kerui possui várias certificações internacionais, tais como, ISO9001/ISO14001/OHSAS18001/CE/SGS. Além disso, os produtos da Kerui também possuem muitos certificados nacionais, a qualidade é muito garantida e foram unanimemente reconhecidos pelos clientes no país e no exterior.



Advantages of KERUI Refractory Cement




Indústria do ferro e do aço

Refractory cement is widely used the lining and fixing of iron and steel metallurgical industry, such as blast furnaces, converters, electric furnaces, and continuous casting machine crystallizers. It can withstand high temperature, corrosion, and mechanical wear, and protect equipment from high temperature and corrosion.

Power Industry

Refractory cement can also be used in the power industry, such as the fixing and lining of boilers, coal-fired, gas-fired thermal power plant furnaces, tails, and other equipment. KERUI refractory cement can withstand high temperature and flue gas corrosion and erosion, further to ensure the safety and reliable operation of equipment.

Cement Industry

In the cement production process, some high-temperature equipment is required to burn raw materials. This equipment, such as a rotary kiln, cooler, preheater, kiln tail, etc., needs to be fixed and lined with refractory cement, which can withstand the heat generated during high-temperature calcination, protect the kiln structure and prolong the life of the equipment.

Indústria petroquímica

Many pieces of types of equipment in the refining and chemical industry also need to be fixed and lined with refractory cement, such as hydrogenation reactors, rectification towers, steam pipes, flue gas purifiers, etc. Refractory cement can resist high temperatures and corrosion, and protect equipment from acid and alkali, Corrosive gas.



Laboratório de Refractários de Kerui

A Kerui possui um laboratório de inspeção de qualidade profissional. Forno de ensaio de fluência de reaquecimento/amaciamento de carga a alta temperatura; Banco de ensaio de resistência à compressão/flexão para materiais refractários; Plataforma de ensaio e inspeção da composição para materiais refractários; Laboratório de propriedades físicas/químicas para materiais refractários.


Kerui Refractory Products Packaging & Shipment

Todo o processo de entrega é acompanhado e a equipa de especialistas da Kerui resolve as necessidades específicas do projeto com o máximo profissionalismo. Se o projeto do cliente o exigir, a equipa de especialistas da Kerui desloca-se ao país do cliente para prestar assistência técnica presencial.



Customer Cases Of KERUI Refractory

Além da China continental, Kerui Refractory exportou produtos para mais de 50 países e regiões em 5 continentes em todo o mundo, incluindo Ásia, Europa, América, África e Oceania. Recebemos reconhecimento e elogios de clientes em todo o mundo, e estamos constantemente a receber pedidos de retorno e referências de clientes.



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      +86 19138178880

    • Base de fabrico:

      Zona da Indústria Refractária de Chaohua,
      Cidade de Xinmi, província de Henan, China

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