honeycomb ceramic generator

Regenerador cerâmico em favo de mel

Main Material


Aluminum Porcelain



Corundum mullite



Catalyst Carrier

Air Purification

Chemical Filler


RTO & RCO equipment

Metal smelting and forging

Scrubber tower

Packed tower

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Description of Honeycomb Ceramic Regenerator

  • Regenerative high-temperature air combustion technology (HTAC for short) has the dual functions of energy saving and environmental protection. Compared with traditional combustion technology, it saves 20-50% of fuel, reduces oxidation and burning losses by more than 20%, and reduces NOx emissions by more than 40%.
  • As one of its key components, the honeycomb ceramic regenerator has the advantages of large heat exchange area per unit volume, fast heat transfer, small air flow resistance, shallow heat penetration depth, and high thermal efficiency.
  • This product has various hole shapes such as square holes, round holes, hexagonal holes, etc., as well as flat, inclined, and single holes. Groove, double groove, various end surface shapes.
honeycomb ceramic generator price
honeycomb ceramic generator for sale

KERUI Honeycomb Ceramic Regenerator TECHNICAL DATA SHEET

Main Size of Honeycomb Ceramic Regenerator

L*W*G(mm) Number of cell Cell Width(mm) Thickness of Inner Wall(mm) Thickness of Out Wall(mm) Surface Area(m2/m3) Opening Ratio % End Face Shape
200x100x100 20x9 Round∮8.5 2.3 2.5 280 51 Flat、Bevel、Single Groove、Double Groove
150x 100x100 36x24 Square3x3 1 1.2 731 52
150x 100x100 35x20 Hexagonal∮4 1 1.2 687 65
150x 100x100 10x6 Hexagonal∮12 4 4 210 50
150x 150x100 35x20 Hexagonal∮3.5 0.8 1.5 686 63
150x 100x100 35x19 Round∮4 1 1.3 568 53
150x 100x100 15x9 Round∮8.5 2.3 2.5 280 51
150x 100x100 42x28 Square2.6x2.6 1 1.1 815 53
150x 100x100 7x6 Hexagonal∮12 4 4 224 52
100x 100x100 31x31 Square2.65x2.65 0.7 1 1065 67
100x 100x100 24x24 Square3x3 1 1.2 731 52
100x 100x100 23x20 Hexagonal∮4 1 1.2 608 64
100x 100x100 10x9 Round∮8.5 2.3 2.5 280 51

Physical Properties of Honeycomb Ceramic Regenerator

Item Corundum-mullite Mullite Cordierite-mullite Cordierite Chrome Corundum-mullite Zirconium Corundum-mullite
Bulk density (g/cm3) ≥0.8 0.6~1.1 0.6~0.9 0.5~0.8 ≥0. 8 ≥0. 8
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (X10-60°C-1) (RT-800°C) ≤6 ≤5.5 ≤3 ≤2.5 ≤6.5 ≤6
Specific heat capacity (J.(Kg.k)-1 ) ≥800 ≥800 ≥750 ≥750 ≥800 ≥800
Thermal Shock (°C) ≥300 ≥300 ≥400 ≥500 ≥300 ≥350
Softening temperature under load (°C) (0.1MPa ) ≥1500 ≥1450 ≥1350 ≥1250 ≥1500 ≥1500
Compressive Strength (MPa) (C axis) ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 ≥20
Compressive Strength(Mpa) (A、 B axis) ≥4 ≥4 ≥3 ≥3 ≥4 ≥4

Chemical composition of Honeycomb Ceramic Regenerator

Item Corundum-mullite Mullite Cordierite-mullite Cordierite Chrome Corundum-mullite Zirconium Corundum-mullite
SiO2 20~30 25~35 40~50 28~38 20~25 28~38
Al2O3 65~75 55~65 40~50 45~55 65~75 45~55
MgO ≤0.5 ≤1 5~9 11~14 ≤0.5 11~14
Fe203+TiO2 1~4 1~4 1~3 1~3 1~3 1~3
Others ≤5 ≤5 ≤5 ≤5 ≤8 ≤5


Application and Advantages of Honeycomb Ceramic Regenerator

Regenerador cerâmico em favo de mel

Honeycomb ceramics have the following advantages as gegenerator: the specific heat capacity of the honeycomb ceramic regenerator is above 1000J/kgk, and the maximum operating temperature of the product is ≥1700°C. It can save more than 40% of fuel in heating furnaces, bakers, soaking furnaces, cracking furnaces and other kilns, and increase output by 15%. Above, the exhaust gas temperature is lower than 150℃.

Honeycomb Ceramic Filter Material

Good chemical stability, resistance to acid, alkali and organic solvents; excellent resistance to rapid heat and rapid cooling, the working temperature can be as high as 1000°C; good antibacterial properties, not easily degraded by bacteria, not easy to block and Easy to regenerate; strong structural stability, narrow pore size distribution. Narrow, high permeability; non-toxic, especially suitable for food and drug processing.

Honeycomb Ceramic Catalyst

Honeycomb ceramics have more advantages when used as catalysts. It uses honeycomb ceramic material as the carrier, adopts unique coating materials, and is prepared with precious metals, rare earth metals and transition metals. Therefore, it has the advantages of high catalytic activity, good thermal stability, long service life, high strength and other advantages.

Honeycomb Ceramic Filler

Honeycomb ceramic fillers have the advantages of larger specific surface area and better strength than other shaped fillers. They can make the vapor and liquid distribution more even, reduce the bed resistance, have better effects, and extend the service life. They are widely used in the petrochemical, pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries. The filler effect is quite good.

honeycomb ceramic generator factory


Certificados de Kerui Refractory

Kerui Group has a number of international certifications, such as,ISO9001/ISO14001/OHSAS18001/CE/SGS. Besides, Kerui Refractory also has a number of domestic certifications.

Kerui CE Certificate
Certificado CE Kerui
Kerui EMS Certificate
Certificado EMS Kerui
Kerui OHSM Certificate
Certificado Kerui OHSM
Kerui QMS Certificate
Certificado QMS Kerui

Laboratório de Refractários de Kerui

A Kerui possui um laboratório de inspeção de qualidade profissional. Forno de ensaio de fluência de reaquecimento/amaciamento de carga a alta temperatura; Banco de ensaio de resistência à compressão/flexão para materiais refractários; Plataforma de ensaio e inspeção da composição para materiais refractários; Laboratório de propriedades físicas/químicas para materiais refractários.


Kerui Honeycomb Ceramic Generate Factory
Kerui Honeycomb Ceramic Generate Factory
Kerui Honeycomb Ceramic Generator
Regenerador cerâmico em favo de mel



Todo o processo de entrega é acompanhado e a equipa de especialistas da Kerui resolve as necessidades específicas do projeto com o máximo profissionalismo. Se o projeto do cliente o exigir, a equipa de especialistas da Kerui desloca-se ao país do cliente para prestar assistência técnica presencial.




Além da China continental, Kerui Refractory exportou produtos para mais de 50 países e regiões em 5 continentes em todo o mundo, incluindo Ásia, Europa, América, África e Oceania. Recebemos reconhecimento e elogios de clientes em todo o mundo, e estamos constantemente a receber pedidos de retorno e referências de clientes.

Kerui Customers


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    • Telefone/whatsapp:

      +86 19138178880

    • Base de fabrico:

      Zona da Indústria Refractária de Chaohua,
      Cidade de Xinmi, província de Henan, China

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